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sábado, 12 de maio de 2012

Integrating Sustainability into Business Strategy

Some time ago I read an article from Eric Lowitt that started by asking "Why you shouldn't have a Sustainability strategy?" Confused?

Lowitt explains in the article, with some examples, that if you have a sustainability strategy in your organization, by default, it’s separated from the business strategy, making it an outsider of your organization's overall. Lowitt's topic is "separate sustainability strategy" versus an "integrated sustainability and competitive strategy". 
Lowitt puts in writing some arguments about why should you, at least, think about this subject, in this point of view. Although the article focus on costs and funding, it has some good examples and tips for anyone who wants to “lose” some time reflecting about this.
The point is that you can’t work in something so deep and structural that can affect the whole business model, every single stakeholder, every client or consumer, everyone and everything, separately. Doesn’t make any sense! But it’s still common practice, business as usual.

There are 2 types (3 if you want to think the first ones are those who don’t want or don’t know Sustainability): the ones that are only interested in complying, in what’s required; and the others who are really committed to sustainability. The differences are mainly focused on practical issues, on ways to proceed. The first are characterize by the effort of complying, looking for standards to follow, fulfilling what’s required. The second are the ones that go the extra mile, that look for more, even if they have to step into grey areas, to the unknown. Not focusing on standards and requirements but on what are the connection points between sustainability and their business model.

Again, the point is that as many things in sustainability related issues, integration is a keyword. In every side of this subject the right way should be integrating sustainability into the business model, into the company’s strategy, into everything that is planned in an overall level. Sustainability strategy can’t be planned and worked as a side project inside an organization, has to be part of everything else.

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